Game 1 - Who is Who? and Learn about my school

  • The first transnational team members will prepare some questions about the introductions of pupils, teachers and schools. They will communicate with each other by using the tool “google doc”. They’ll be able to write their questions and chat with each other on this tool. The tool “quizizz” will be used for the game.The other students will watch the introductions of all students and videos of the schools, and then compete with each other by participating quizizz game.


    For creating quizizz games here is the info of our project's quizizz account:

    Username: cultureolympics

    Password: 123456



    Tutorial images for pupils:



    The link of the google doc page:




    The link of the game:


    The first game "Who is who?" is ready now. All the students in the project must join the game till 30th April. I've prepared the game by using the tool "quizizz". There is a game code below. Students must click on the link "" , write this code on that page and then write their names and surnames with the abbreviation of their country names as nickname. For example : "tugba saglam tr". After that they can start the game. They can also join the game by their mobile phones. The winner will be awarded with a small gift and a certificate. Please don't forget to take photos during the game.




    The winner of the game





    Result report of the game: