Second year activities

  • Student Activities Year 2 (2018/19).

    Year plan Activities and Dates



    To be completed by

    Partner sharing


    Term 1


    Use local produce to prepare a healthy snack OR design a healthy weekly menu. Display in partner schools and local community venues.

    July 2019

    Photos displayed in schools and other venues.


    Design an activity to promote drinking water in school.

    July 2019

    E  twinning


    Project Calendar entries

    30th November 2018



    Term 2


    Mindfulness. A group of students will participate in a series of lessons on mindfulness

    Info. on Mindfulness in R.O.I.

    Activity by July 2019

    Photos, reflections of pupils on E-Twinning


    Create arts or crafts associated with mindfulness and display in a community venue.

    July 2019

    E twinning


    World Health Day. Prepare a celebration assembly; invite parents, carers etc

    July 2019

    E twinning


    Term 3


    Pupils will interview a local professional sports person about their Healthy Lifestyle.

    July 2019

    E twinning


    All year


    Pupils will plan and take part in a sporting competition with neighbouring schools.

    July 2019

    Photos on E twinning