3 Your work experience.

  • Can you talk about your work experience?

    For example: Where did you work?  What were your main tasks? To tell a particular event, etc ….

    For telling your work experience you can use software as Word, PowerPoint, video, etc….. then you have to upload it in a folder  in section “Materials”.

    Go to the “Forum”  you can discuss with others about rules, work experience, etc ….imagesP6WFKLOI.jpg

    For this activity you have 1 month - from 1st to 31st March.




    Work Experience by Salvatore

    Work Experience by Paolo
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    Work experience by Giusy Panetti






    Work experience by Magop Claudiu:  https://youtu.be/jovu0280jM0


    P.S.: The second restaurant comparing in the video is called "Le Saline", the third called "L'Acquario" and the Restaurant covered by the "Black out" is "La Nassa" Besides the Experience as a waiter and this "Little guide/tour leader", i made other work such as the organisation of a stand with local typical foostuffs and for the school, the tourist guide to alittle museum called "Il Museo degli Antichi Mestieri" a.k.a "The Museum of ancient Crafts". And other than this, stell as a task for the school, I worket as Tour Leader and Tourist Receptionist during one conference on Agriculture.


               This is my Work Experience.                     Bless...




    listen to ‘My work experience’ on audioBoom  by Giusy Bruno


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