Estonia - 22-28/9/2019 - Tallinna Kuristiku Gymnasium

  • Tallinn 2019, September 23 – 27                                                                  

    23.09 Monday

    9.00 Welcome to Tallinna Kuristiku Gümnaasium

    9.30 Morning coffee 

    10.00 A video about TKG. Introducing Estonian school system. A task for the week to be learnt by heart.

    11.00 Hometask presentations. Videos about Famous People.

    National Groups come and represent themselves and tell a couple of words about themselves, about their choice of people in the video

    13.30 Lunch at school

    School tours guided by TKG students

    14.20 –16.30 Grouping, work in teams, writing scenarios and storyboards for sights.


    24.09 Tuesday

    Public transport to Vabaduse Square.

    9.45 – 12.30  The Old Town Adventure.  An interactive game in international groups of four

    12.30 Public transport to Rocca-al-Mare.

    14.00  Lunch

    15.00 – 16.00  an open-air museum of  Rocca- al Mare

    17.00 Back at school. Group work+ editing videos


    25.09 Wednesday

    8.30 Bus from school

    10.00 -13.00 Viru Raba. A Guided Tour in the moor.

    14.00 Lunch at Arturi Šašlõkk.

    15.00 Visiting Forest Museum and the Manor of Sagadi

    17.00 – Back at school

    Free evening

    NB! For the trip bring waterproof shoes and warm clothes!


     26.09 Thursday

    8.30 – Breakfast at school

    9.00- 13.00 Project work on sights in teams of four.

    13.30 –Lunch at school

    14.00 – 18.00 Editing videos

    19.00-20.30 Bowling for students (7 teams) Mere Kuulsaal

    Teachers 14.00 – 16.00 – coordinators’ meeting, filling in Mobility Tool and TwinSpace



    27.09 Friday

    9.00 –11.00 Time to polish the videos. Coordinators’ meeting.

    11.00 -12.00  Presentation of videos. 1st session.

    12.05 – Lunch at school

    13.00 -  14.00 Presentation of videos. 2nd session

    Feedback, Certificates.

    19.00 – … Farewell meeting at school.



    See the extra file on  ticket prices. Estoninan students are going to help you buy a smartcard for the week on your arrival at the airport. This is the cheapest way to travel in Tallinn.