Christmas activities

  • POLAND: Christmas poster

    Polish pupils were creating Christmas poster for our partner in Draguignan. Today we have sent it to France.







    FRANCE : Our Christmas poster (December 10th)

    Hi Poland,
    Today we mailed a parcel containing our Christmas poster, and surprises for all pupils and their teacher.
    Let us know when you will have received it.

    Here are some pictures of the French pupils creating their poster.

    Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

    Bye bye !


    POLAND: A parcel from Draguignan arrived in Wrocław 

    Hi partners! Polish pupils received your parcel. Thanks a lot for your poster and sweets:)



    POLAND: Wishes for our penfriends on padlet 

    FRANCE : We open the Polish parcel (December 18th)


    FRANCE : Our Christmas wishes to our Polish partners