

    Dear students, let's make a dictionary of our project collaboratively. Choose the expert term you've learned in the project, enter it into this glossary and add an explanation.


    With the collaboration of the Spanish teachers: Mª Mercedes Martínez & Carmen Súarez. Co-coordinator: Alicia Sánchez




    Abrasion – Medical term for a graze to the skin. An abrasion is damage to the superficial layers of the skin

    Adrenaline – A hormone released by the adrenal glands (just above the kidneys). It increases the heart rate and causes blood vessels to constrict

    Anaphylaxis – A life-threatening whole body allergic reaction

    Angina – Chest pain brought on by physical exertion or anxiety due to narrowing of the arteries in the heart. Often relieved with rest and medication

    Aspirin – A drug that slows down the clotting of the blood

    Asthma – A medical condition characterised by difficulty in breathing caused by constriction of the small air tubes in the lungs

    Automated External Defibrillator – A device that delivers a controlled electrical shock to the heart in order to restore its normal rhythm.

    C-Spine – Cervical spine – your neck.

    Compression (head injury) – An injury to the head that causes compression of the brain. This can be due to swelling of the brain itself or bleeding into the skull.

    Concussion (head injury) – An injury to the brain which causes ‘shaking’ / ‘jarring’ of the brain.

    Contusion – A bruise (bleeding beneath the skin)

    Entonox – A safe pain killing gas that can be given by ambulance crews, sometimes known as “gas and air”

    Epi-pen – An auto-injecting syringe containing adrenaline used to counteract a major allergic reaction

    Epilepsy – A medical condition characterised by repeated seizures. May be controlled by medication

    Febrile convulsion – A seizure which occurs in children when they over heat

    Fracture – Another term used for a broken bone

    Heart attack – Blockage of an artery in the heart (coronary artery) causing severe chest pain and damage to heart muscle

    Hyperglycaemia – High blood sugar levels

    Hypoglycaemia – Low blood sugar levels

    Insulin – A hormone produced by the pancreas that reduces blood sugar levels

    Laceration – An injury where there is cutting or tearing of the skin

    Medialert – A bracelet which someone may wear containing important medical information about them

    Meningitis – A life threatening medical condition where the protective coverings of the brain (the meningies) become infected and inflamed.

    Micropore – A brand of medical tape used to fix non-adhesive dressings over injuries. The tape is designed to be hypoallergenic and easy for the casualty to remove.

    Mini stroke – Same as a stroke, except symptoms resolve within 24 hours. Sometimes called a “Transi Ischaemic Attack” (TIA)

    Open fracture – A fracture where the skin has been broken by the injured bone. Sometimes called a compound fracture

    Paracetamol – A common effective painkiller available over the counter (prescription not needed)

    Primary survey – The quick initial assessment of a patient. Often structured in an ‘ABC’ approach (airway, breathing, circulation)

    Recovery position – A position where the casualty is laying on their side to protect their airway

    Salbutamol – A common drug used to treat asthma attacks, often found in inhalers

    Scoop stretcher – Sometimes called an orthopaedic stretcher. Used to lift casualties off the ground. Sometimes called an orthopaedic stretcher.

    Secondary survey – A more detailed assessment of a patient involving checking for injuries and taking observations

    Seizure – Abnormal or excessive activity in the brain that can cause a variety of symptoms such as muscle movement, unconsciousness and rigidity.

    Shock – Inadequate oxygen reaching the tissues. Can have various causes such as severe blood loss, burns or allergic reactions

    Stroke – A blood clot or bleed in the brain causing symptoms such as loss of movement and facial droop.

    Tough cuts – Scissors designed for cutting clothing, seatbelts and other tough things!

    Triangular bandage – A triangular-shaped piece of cloth which can be used for various first aid procedures (e.g: a sling)