
  • It’s a great honor, to save a life. Every day,  there is someone in the world whose life is in serious danger. Sometimes someone’s life can hang on a thread and we can be those who will catch that thread and save the person or… Knowing the protocols of First Aid, being confident and calm can make a change for everyone.

    TASK - Research the history of the first aid and prepare presentation collaboratively with peers from the partner country.

    This is a collaborative presentation created by students of CIPFP Ciutat de l'Aprenent, a VET (Vocational Education Technician) centre in Valencia (Spain) and Croatian student from Zagreb. It has been created by EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) students of the 1st year, 31Ñ group, the year 2017-2018. Spanish teachers: Mª Mercedes Martínez & Carmen Súarez. Co-coordinator: Alicia Sánchez.