2.5 SWOT analysis

  • While you are waiting for your email from a possible partner company, create the SWOT analysis for your company.

    SWOT stands for:

    • Strengths
      • What do you do best?
      • What makes you outstanding, different from others?
    • Weaknesses
      • What should you improve?
      • What are your weak points?
    • Opportunities
      • What opportunities can you use? e.g. local events, social media
      • What trends could be useful for you?
    • Threats
      • Who are your competitors?
      • How is the environment changin around you?

    Here you can read about what a SWOT analysis is.


    You are free to create the SWOT analysis using any ICT tool you wish from Powerpoint to Google Draw.

    Please post your analysis into this Lino, don't forget to add your company's name.



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