2.7 Winter holidays


    With the winter holidays approaching, it would be great to exchange both virtual and real cards for the holidays.

    We are kindly asking each participating school to send one card to each foreign school (bear in mind, not all countries celebrate Christmas!). To make this easier, here are the addresses of the schools:

    1. Eva Toth

    Budapesti Műszaki Szakképzési Centrum Petrik Lajos Két Tanítási Nyelvű Vegyipari, Környezetvédelmi és Informatikai Szakgimnáziuma,

    1146 Budapest, Thököly út 48-54. Hungary

    2. Samet Aba

    Abbas Sıdıka Çalık Anadolu Lisesi
    Huzurevleri Mah. 77234 Sk. 01360
    Çukurova Adana, Turkey
    3. Lívia Margittay
    Nyíregyházi SZC Sipkay Barna Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari, Idegenforgalmi Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma

    Hungary, 4400 Nyíregyháza, Krúdy Gy. u. 32. 

    4. Moricz Judith

    Colegiul Tehnic Napoca Str. Taberei nr.3 Cod postal 400512 Cluj Napoca Romania
    5, Emese Cimpean, 
    Rus Corina
    Colegiul National "Petru Rares" Str. Obor, nr. 83 Beclean, Bistrita-Nasaud, 425100 Romania
    6. Maria Elena Di Giorgio
    IIS Curcio
    Via Fiume Ciane, 97014 Ispica RG Italy

    Each company could make a Christmas card or a short virtual Christmas video offering of course an amazing sale for the holidays of its product or services. Please upload your works in this padlet:

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