Project description

  • The project will teach pupils how they can contribute to the protection of our planet and the life on it, how their drop can contribute to saving life on the Earth. They will learn to appreciate the natural wealth and work of people , don´t waste with natural raw materials, especially water.


    the Universe - Solar system, Galaxy - Milky Way, Planets,...

    Global problems

    Protection of our planet - collection of paper, bateries, saving the energy, separation of waste.

    Relatioship - - Healthy lifestyle - International cookery book, Herbarium

    Living in the past - traditions

    Art, Astronomy, Biology, Environmental Education, Foreign Languages, Geography, Health Studies, Music, Natural Sciences, Physical Education
    EN - ES - SK
    Pupil's age:
    10 - 15
    Tools to be used:
    Chat, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, Twinspace, Video conference
    The main goal of the project is to establish the proper relationship of students and the public to the Universe, nature and life on the Earth. Through this project, students will better know our planet and the natural rules, as well as global problems threatening the environment, threatening the world. Students will know better national and natural treasure , protected areas of their own country and other European countries. Also national awareness of students will increase. But we won´t focus only on the nature. The project will strengthen relation of students, parents, teachers and the general public to all lifeless and living in the nature, especially to the people. hide
    Work process:
    Each school created team working on this topic, introduce the school and town. We will learn about Christmas traditions, create Christmas e-cards. Each partner create the presentation about country and natural treasure. Students will talk about the Universe, then they create projects of the Universe. Discussion about global problems, how sudents can contribute to the solution. Pupils take care of school area, park, planted flowers, to separate waste at school and at home, organize the collection of raw materials. Outputs will be displayed at school. We organize Skype - conference to remember some traditions. hide
    Expected results:
    Students become self aware in relation to nature, to animals, to life, to know the natural laws of our planet. They learn that everyone can contribute to the protection of the Earth for example with the proper lifestyle and relationship to the nature. hide