Teacher founders Joëlle Hoel and Josefa Martín have collaborated online almost daily.
Teachers collaborators have seldom used Twinspace although they have been supporting onsite collaborative work with students both technically and pedagogically. We want to thank them for taking part in the project.
Our first steps were back in June 2017 when we were finishing our previous project we were already thinking about the new one!.
We opened a collaborative doc in google drive and brainstormed every idea discussing it later on a first videoconference on eTwinning Live Adobe Connect integrated tool. You can see the doc picture:
There have been coordination videoconferences for teacher partners on eTwinning Live Adobe Connect (24/09/20017, 27/09/2017, 02/10/2017, 10/12/2017) and several informal meetings on Hangout or Skype usually on Sunday evenings besides gmail contact really frequent.
We also used students teams' videoconferences on Tuesdays to end up revising some points if we had time enough. Student partners team's collaboration on videoconferences were programmed for Tuesdays for the first two periods in the morning
At the same time we also used gmail almost daily when ideas or reflections or possible improvements came into our mind. The amount of email pages is huge!