• The project intends to express in art form important issues of society such as Immigration Day, Childhood, Fight against Bullying, Women's Violence, Legality Day, Christmas, Carnival, Equal Opportunities, Day of Diversity, Internet day.
    The kids will draw Street Art accompanied by slogans, and a Street Art magazine will come from countries that will take part in the project.

    We share results through eTwinning events, also with the participation of our partners and eTwinning friends!


    4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece

    See more about our ctivities realized during 2017 -2018


    We have all collaborated in the eTwinning event: Christmas Bazaar invitation!

    We had great success in our charity Christmas Bazzar that took place in the 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece!!! #



    We invited on site our partners in the Safe Internet event:

    On line event:for Safe Internet Day

    With my pupils of the 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece we created this activity and you are welcome to add your participation in padlet :

    Δημιουργήθηκε με το Padlet
    You are welcome to visit the twin space page creatd also for the "Safe Internet Day"
    Welcome to our Easter padlet!!!
    With my pupils we invite you to one of our final dissemination events. 4th primary School of Zografou, ASthens, Greece/ Art teacher Theodora Chandrinou.