Italy meeting

  • In the days from 12 November to 16 November 2018, the meeting was held in Lauria. All the schools of the project participated. These days, guests have been engaged in training activities that affect math and science.

    Our attention has always been directed to the construction of a vision of mathematics not reduced to a set of rules to be memorized and applied. Our need is to create a positive motivation towards mathematics that leads the students to discover the pleasure of studying math. This is possible through a teaching-learning process that stimulate curiosity and wish to get always involved; briefly it is didactics based on research-action and on discovery.

    The most important goal for a student is to find out the solution of a problem. Once they reach the goal, they are able to think of reaching everyone else. The student must know that he/she can get wrong while trying to solve a problem, because errors are an integral part of the resolution process and represents a moment of cognitive growth. Another essential element is the sharing of ideas, strategies, representations because when you make your thought explicit, two effects are produced: first, the students clarify their own ideas, then sharing ideas offers other people the possibility to acquire the original thought and transform it, elaborate it and complete the process of building new knowledge.

    All that can be achieved only by structuring the activities carried out with a "teaching action" at various levels, it must be a laboratory didactics that makes the pupil feeling as the protagonist and the builder of his own knowledge, and guarantees the educational success of everyone. The laboratory practice faces situations that force a student to make a decision, to organize and continuously reorganize the information available (problem solving). The essentially operational approach allows everyone to be involved through the concreteness of doing.

    So, the problem is not to let the students learn mathematics, but let them to perceive it as alive. Making the students understand maths first of all means to let the students love it and do not perceive it as arid, separate from reality.


  • RMT Transalpine Mathematics Rally

    Problem Solving & Critical Thinking in Math and Science

    Method introduction

    RMT Transalpine Mathematics Rally

    Problem solving



    Problem Solving & Critical Thinking in Math and Scienceā€


    Rice grains




    Emotions in motion


    Hospitality and dissemination

    Show organized by the students of the institute in the presence of the institutions and the mayor of the city.


    Use of geogebra software in the classroom