Public Speaking Workshops- 22nd March


    On March 22nd the students participated in two workshops on public speaking conducted by Dr Monika Izbaner.

    "Speak up, even if your voice shakes!" was devoted to the techniques of fighting with stage fright. The students listened to a short lecture about the process of preparation for public speaking and got to know the tricks that work with the audience. In the practical part of the workshop the students did drama exercises which were meant to help them overcome stress and build their self-confidence as public speakers.

    "What can a speech make to your brain?! - Tricks and tips how to bring the house down" was devoted to emotions in public speaking. Moreover, the most well-known speakers and their speeches were presented. Then in the practical part of the workshop the students practised evoking emotions as well as previously mastered techniques of public speaking.

    Material for Dissemination:

    Assessment criteria for final presentation: