1. Getting-to-know you activities

  • This is an activity in two stages :

    1. The poem :

    First , students write a poem about themselves using this form.


    Line 1: _________ (Your name)

    Line 2: _________, __________, __________ (3 personal characteristics or physical traits)

    Line 3: Son / daughter of __________

    Line 4: Who loves__________, __________, and __________ (3 people, things, ideas)

    Line 5: Who feels__________ about_________ (1 emotion about 1 thing)

    Line 6: Who needs__________, __________, and __________ (3 things you need)

    Line 7: Who gives __________, __________, and ___________  (3 objects you share)

    Line 8: Who fears___________, __________, and ___________(3 items)

    Line 9: Who'd like to see _________(1 place, or person)

    Line 10: Who dreams of __________ (1 item or idea)

    Line 11: A student of__________ (your school or teacher's name)

    Line 12: ________ (Nickname or repeat your first name)



    When the poem is ready, it is displayed in the padlet to be found in the forum :




    2. Find someone who...


    This is an ice-breaking activity. To get  students to read and really get to know each other, teachers will collect photos which depict something mentioned in the poems and post all of them in another Padlet in the forum so that the students guess who the photo is related to and why.