Step 1 Brainstorming using coggle
Step 2 Writing a first draft on google docs; links will be shared for each group;some students start to draw some scenes of the stories.
Step 3 Revising and editing with the help of the group's supervising teacher; some students start to draw some scenes of the stories.
Step 4 Students share their stories in ebooks on storyjumper or storybird ; presenting and dessiminating the work done
Students having the skills of designing and drawing could contribute to creating a book cover and draw illustrations for the stories.
Partner teachers will share the task of supervising groups. We'll decide who will supervise which group once the groups are created.
My students started brainstorming, we'll share the links to mindmaps related to the chosen goal and specific to each group. Groups can have up to 6 members including designers/ students who are skilled at drawing.
Groups are international.
Students in the same group may communicate in the same forum created for the purpose.
This activity is the culmination of several months of continuous work, its success, and that of the whole project, relies much on your collaboration and cooperation.
It is a pleasure to work with you and your lovely students.