In this page we share the various means of communication between students and teachers
Communication has been a constant element of the project and it has fostered collaboration. It has allowed to implement the activities in the involved schools at the same time and to achieve the planned learning outcomes with great satisfaction for both students and teachers. During the implementation of the project the partner teachers have communicated through:
- The Twinspace of the project through the Twinmail, the Teacher Bulletin or the Project Journal whether it is to ask for clarification, share students' activities, plan for activities or live events, to agree on the kind of products the students had to focus on, to ask confirmation on how to proceed or interact with other teachers
A Sample mail from our Communication to Plan for a Live Event
Here is the spreadsheet we created to plan a meeting
- eTwinning events (events were planned to decide when and how to implement the activities in order to make the students work on the same topic simultaneously);
The 28.09.2017 live event
Our first live event was organised to meet the partners, present and explain the project idea. It was held a few days before some European schools go back to school.
The 08.10.2017 live event
Many partners attended this live event to discuss the different activities of phase II: Translating National Tales, share partner schools holidays and exam periods and discuss a pre-plan for the students to collaborate as well as ways of the modality to make teams.
The 26.11.2017 live event
The live event was created to follow the project workflow. Teachers concerned were Viktoria Harbuz, Nadia Burym, Nina Krasilova from Ukraine, Najoua Dahmeni and Hayfa Majdoub from Tunisia, Ramila Almoradova frm Azerbaijan, Seda Erbek from Turkey.
Screenshots from the event
The 23.02.2018 live event
We dealt with some issues related to our project progress, and discussed the timline, procedures and tools, for the collaborative activities.
The 30.03.2018 live event
Partners in Grandma Stories met to discuss and agree together about the work procedures of Phase IV: the international collaborative activity. Teaming students, the different activities that will be done by the students and the teachers' role(s).
We managed to get the recording of the live event.
Full meeting recording shared on YouTube
- The Forums allowed both the students and the teachers to interact with each other through a fun icebreaking activity.
Tunisian and Italian Students meeting
Tunisian and Armenian Students meeting
Agrupamento de Escolas de Sátão (Portugal) & Nabheni High School (Tunisia)
Nabheni Students during the World Read Aloud Day taking turns
reading a comic about the 2 nd SDG Goal: Zero Hunger
- Messenger was used when an urgent information or answer was needed
- Facebook groups dedicated to the eTwinning project. Here all the products made by the students were shared.