Key competences Chemistry Everywhere


    IES Joaquín Rodrigo Chemistry Everywhere

    Key competences Chemistry Everywhere in vídeo:

    • The competence in linguistic communication is the result of communicative action within certain social practices, in which the individual acts with other interlocutors and through texts in multiple modalities, formats and supports.

      In the Chemistry Everywhere project we have communicated in our language and using English as the vehicular language, something that enriched our students.

    • Mathematical competence implies the ability to apply mathematical reasoning and its tools to describe, interpret and predict different phenomena in their context.

      In the Chemistry Everywhere project our student has quantified and associated a chemical experiment with a mathematical expression.

    • The basic competences in science and technology are those that provide an approach to the physical world and the responsible interaction with it from actions, both individual and collective, oriented to the conservation and improvement of the natural environment, decisive for the protection and maintenance of the quality of life and the progress of the peoples. These competences contribute to the development of scientific thought, since they include the application of the methods of scientific rationality and technological skills, which lead to the acquisition of knowledge, the contrast of ideas and the application of discoveries to social well-being                        The Chemistry Everywhere project deals with the chemical and physical processes and tries to make our students think critically and see what has happened in each of their experiments.

    • The digital competence is one that implies the creative, critical and safe use of information and communication technologies to achieve the objectives related to work, employability, learning, use of free time, inclusion and participation in the society.

      At all times since the Chemistry Everywhere project and from eTwinning we have promoted Information and Communication Technologies for the development of videos, emails, experiences, reflections, etc.

    • Regarding the organization and management of learning, the competence to learn to learn requires knowing and controlling the learning processes themselves to adjust them to the times and demands of the tasks and activities that lead to learning. The competence of learning to learn results in an increasingly effective and autonomous learning.

      At all times from the IES Joaquín Rodrigo in this project is promoted that the student learn and be a participant of their own knowledge with experiences that allow you to know things from their previous experiences through a constructivist learning.

    • The conpetence and sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit to transform ideas into actions.

      For us in this project it is essential that students grow and improve in the best way and with an entrepreneurial and transforming spirit.

    • Competence in cultural awareness and expression involves knowing, understanding, appreciating and critically evaluating, with an open and respectful attitude, the different cultural and artistic manifestations, using them as a source of enrichment and personal enjoyment and considering them as part of the wealth and heritage of the people.

      In the Chemistry Everywhere project we have been in contact with colleagues and friends from other countries in a plan of full coexistence, respecting their ideas and considering the group as one. We have always wanted them to have personal attitudes and values of interest, recognition and respect for different artistic and cultural manifestations, and for heritage conservation.

    • Social competence is related to personal and collective well-being. It requires understanding how people can achieve optimal physical and mental health, both for themselves and their families and for their immediate social environment, and to know how a healthy lifestyle can contribute to this.

      Working throughout the project we felt that we formed a group with our colleagues from other schools and we have worked in a cordial and cernano climate throughout the Chemistry Everywhere project.

    • Throughout the project we have always been guided by the civic competence that is based on critical knowledge of the concepts of democracy, justice, equality, citizenship and human and civil rights, as well as its formulation in the Spanish Constitution, the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in international declarations, and their application by various institutions at local, regional, national, European and international levels. This includes the knowledge of contemporary events, as well as the most important events and the main trends in the national, European and world histories, as well as the understanding of the social and cultural processes of migratory nature that imply the existence of multicultural societies in the globalized world.

      Chemistry Everywhere has been a project that has fostered these values of civism and well-being.