Video questions - session 4

  • What is the impact of climate change on water in partner countries?

    1.      Is the study of climate change in Antarctica be useful to predict climate change in other part of the Earth?
                A. No, because Antarctica is very far away
                B. Yes, because Antarctica holds the 90% of all ice on the planet.
                C. Partly
    2.      Why are ice cores helpful?
                A. Because they allow to study what ice is made of
                B. Because they allow to find petrol
                C. Because they allow to study how climate changed in the past centuries
    3.      How will the climate be in twenty years in Antarctica and in the rest of the world?
                A. The ice will be competed melted
                B. Twenty years are too few to have a significant change in climate
                C. Scientist don’t know how the climate will be in twenty year period
    4. What would happen to Italy if ice melted?
                A. Sea level would rise about 68 meters and the villages and cities on the coast               would be submerged
                B. Nothing
                C. The land will be completed submerged
    5. How was the climate during the triassic period?
                A. It was very cold
                B. It was very hot, palm fossils were found
                C. We do not have any evidence of the climate in that period of time
    Poland, Katowice
    1. Does the Baltic Sea freeze?
     a) Yes
     b) No
     c) I do not know
    2. Choose a city which can be flooded due to the increase of the sea level:
     a) Katowice
     b) Świnoujście
     c) Bydgoszcz
    3. What is the eutrophication process?
     a) Drying of lakes and rivers
     b) The increase of fish in lakes and rivers
     c) It is the increase of the fertility of water reservoirs (increased amount of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds)
    4. Can the increase of the average annual air temperature cause an increase in the level of the Baltic Sea?
     a) Yes
     b) No
     c) I do not know
    5. What are the effects of algal blooms?
     a) Reduction of oxygen in the water and extinction of aquatic organisms
     b) Increase of oxygen in the water and increase of the amount of aquatic organisms
     c) Change of the water colour
    6. Does Poland have large drinking water resources?
     a) Yes
     b) No
     c) I do not know
    Poland - Karczmiska
    1. The Baltic Sea is a semi-enclosed inland sea located in the Northern Europe.
     a) True
     b) False
    2. The maximum depth of the Baltic Sea is:
     a) 1600 m
     b) 55 m
     c) 459 m
    3. The surface water temperature of the Baltic Sea is:
     a) + 1 to + 35 degrees Celsius
     b) 0 to + 30 degrees Celsius
     c)  – 0,5 to + 20 degrees Celsius
    4.  The Baltic Sea is almost totally surrounded by land and therefore more endangered by pollution than other marine areas.
     a) True
     b) False
    5. The most drastic recorded increase in warming to have occurred in the Baltic Sea was _____ degrees Celsius.
     a) 1
     b) 1,5
     c) 2
    6. The worst threat caused by the warming climate in the run-off of nutrients with might lead to an alarming eutrophication situation on the Baltic Sea.
     a) True
     b) False
    1. How is the climate of our water areas: beaches, lakes, rivers, reservoirs ...?
     a) Our climate is humid and temperate, with little rainfall. It is called coastal Mediterranean climate.
     b) Very rainy and hot.
     c) As in the interior and forest areas.
    2. How does climate change affect water areas?
     a) That there are fewer beaches.
     b) Drought increases in inland areas and sea level rises in the coasts.
     c) Does not affect.
    3. Differences on the beaches with the passage of time and of humans.
     a) There have been no differences.
     b) More services and better beaches.
     c) More dirt, less sand, changes in ecosystems.
    4. Why do you think that swamps and dams were built?
     a) To store water in anticipation of the drought.
     b) To go to bathe with the heat.
     c) To make some people disappear.
    5. What happened in our environment if the sea level rose 7 or 8 meters?
     a) Nothing.
     b) It would have a beach in the Triana area.
     c) The depression of the Guadalquivir from Seville to Sanlúcar de Barrameda would disappear.
    6. What can we do?
     a) Reduce gas emissions from fossil fuels, recycle and reuse raw materials.
     b) Nothing.
     c) Do not take a bath on the beach.
    1. What is the Bulgarian water resources?
     a / high mountains
     b / large areas of forests
     c / aggregation of water basins
    2. What species of plants do you have in the Black Sea?
     a / coniferous and broad-leaved
     b / 292 species of large, about 700 species of smaller algae
     c / grasses and shrubs
    3. How is the Black Sea polluted?
     a / from snowfall
     b / from the waste waters along the Danube River and those from the Black Sea countries
     c / from wastewater treatment plants
    4. What is the result of the pollution of the Black Sea?
     a / increase in precipitation
     b / decline of bottom algae communities
     c / decrease the thickness of the snow cover
    5. What are the mineral springs in Bulgaria used for?
     a / for washing carpets
     b / for development of balneological activity and tourism
     c / for watering the vegetables
    6. How should waste industrial and domestic water be treated?
     a / through wastewater treatment plants
     b / by releasing water from the tap
     c / by placing mineral fertilizers in them
    1. What is a coral ?

    a) a marine animal

    b) a flower you can find in forest

    c) a wooden house

    2. Why is coral reef important against climate change ?

    a) because coral reef can create natural dikes against waves

    b) because the birds can hide in it

    c) because all the animals can hide it

    3. What kind of animals you can find in a coral reef ?

    a) butterflies

    b) seals

    c) partout fishes

    4. What are the consequences of climate change on coral reef ?

    a) corals bleaching

    b) corals become blacks

    c) corals become purples

    5. How can we protect coral reef ?

    a) caress the corals

    b) touch the corals

    c) don’t touch the corals

    6. What is the name of the seaweed we can see above the corals ?

    a) rose

    b) zooxanthellae

    c) green flower