SPAIN - CRA ORBA - Muel - Ana Barbod

  • We are CRA ORBA

    CRA (Colegio Rural Agrupado) is a group of rural schools that organize themselves together and share their resources; we are officialy one only school that nowadays has got two headquarters, Botorrita and Muel. Some years ago we also had Mezalocha and Jaulín, but the strong rural depopulation of our region led to a lack of students and we were forced to close two schools. 

    Muel is the biggest village in this area and our school accounts 109 students. Botorrita has got a smaller but also very important school where 10 students attend their lessons everyday. 

    We have a lot of information about us on our website.

    Resultado de imagen de mapa aragon españaResultado de imagen de muel mapa aragon


    Here some photos of Muel:

    Resultado de imagen de muel en españa

    Resultado de imagen de muel en españa


    Here some photos of Botorrita:

    Imagen relacionada

    Resultado de imagen de botorrita en españa