First transnational meeting

  • The first transnational project meeting was held from 26.09.2017 to 28.09.2017 in Mysiadle, Warsaw, Poland. The participants were:
    - Karolina Kasperska, Poland
    - Agata Cieniek, Poland,
    - Astrid Salumets, Estonia,
    - Aili Kadeste, Estonia,
    - Uwe Stockmeier, Germany
    - Hans-Walter Oltmanns, Germany,
    - Maja Videnovik, Macedonia
    Initially it was planned that each partner organization will send two participants at the first transnational meeting. Due to the administrative problems, the agreement between Macedonian National Agency and primary school "Krste Misirkov" Skopje, was not signed until the meeting. For that reason there was only one representative from Macedonia at the meeting.

    The purpose of the meeting was to plan project activities for the following two years. More specifically, the upcoming visit to Macedonia was planned in details. The main objectives of the meeting were:
    - defining the activities and topics for the workshops organized at schools throughout the school year,
    - agreement around financial issues,
    - sharing the responsibilities regarding monitoring of the activities and
    - planning the upcoming visit to Skopje, Macedonia.

    During the project  4 sections were planned regarding the 4 terms (2 years). At each school there will be around 20 participating students. There will be also 2 teachers leading the activities. Project timetable was analyzed. Each section of activities will correlate with one of the three key priorities:
    1) Using smartphones in an effective way by learning or communicating with other peers in English (fall/winter 2017 and spring 2019);
    2) Presenting possibilities of spending free time without smartphones, mostly outdoors by doing sports (spring 2018);
    3) Spreading awareness of consequences of excessive smartphone usage( fall/winter 2018).
    At the fourth section evaluation and dissemination of project results will be done. 

    The monitoring of the budget will be coordinated by the school in Mysiadło, Other responsibilities were shared among each country coordinators:
    Spreading awareness of consequences of excessive smartphone usage – Karolina Kasperska
    Presenting possibilities of spending free time without smartphones, mostly outdoors by doing sports – Astrid Salumets
    Using smartphones in an effective way by learning or communicating with other peers in English – Maja Videnovic.
    The update on our Twinspace page will be monitored by Maja Videnovic.
    The update of the homepage of our project will be monitored by Hans-Walter Oltmanns.

    Maja Videnovic, representative from Macedonia introduced other participants with the planned activities for the first learning, teaching and training activity in Macedonia and all the necessary agreements were established.