Code Club Activities in Romania



    Taking a Learning Journey on the STEAM Train

          Since 2016 our school implements Erasmus+ projects, promoting European values, as social inclusion, STEAM and distance learning. For Erasmus Days 2021 Event, the management team decided to participate in by organizing the event “Taking a Learning Journey on the STEAM Train “. To share our project’s results. To talk about our amazing experiences and about projects’ impact on our institution.

         Our partnership “Taking a learning journey on the STEAM train” (2019-2022), 2019-1-UK01-KA229-061773_2 is an educational intervention to keep up to date with the latest methods and best practice in European Education and social inclusion through digitalization & game based learning. For 3 days, 6 partner schools from UK, BG, HR, IT, RO, and TR celebrated together this event. There were:
    *14.10.2021 on-site/on-line/ hybrid presentation in each partner school (according each partner's Covid_19 situation) on our Erasmus+ KA229 project, where local communities and stakeholders have been invited. Our school:
    between 12:00-12:50, 20 students, Parents Council representative, 10 teachers, 1 member of the Board, the Headmistress, and the representative of the Mayor office participated in an on-line event organised by E+Team via Zoom event: PPT presentation, pupils’ testimonies
    *15.10.2021 blended/on-line activity: workshop in each partner school with pupils - Coding Ozobots/MBots robots/creating Robots in carboard led by coordinators.
    *16.10.2021 eTwinning event on-line organized by the Romanian partner assisted by the Croatian partner, and with participation of the Bulgarian and Turkish coordinators and 77 other eTwinners.

         We disseminated some results of our collaboration, and offered to eTwinning community examples of good practice. There were presentation of the Project (Summary, Objectives, Partner schools, some activities, and impact), Project's website, Project's TwinSpace, awarded eTwinning project (QL 2021 in Romania and Croatia) related to our E+ KA229 project presentation, videos made by pupils on Coding Ozobots.

        We used the communication kit offered by ANPCDEFP.

        The Erasmus Days 2021 event had a positive impact, raising participants’ awareness on Erasmus+ program’s benefits.

    Iuliana Nuță- Educational Game by Coding Ozobots made for this dissemination event.

  • Dear children, would you like to play Iuliana' s game?
    Yes, I find it very interesting!
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