Mint tea

  • Mint tea

    (Author: Luka Krvaric, Lidija Karamatic)

    Mint tea - so good it`s addictive!

    According to greek mythology, Mint was a nimph who was unsuccessfully pursued by the lustful god of the underworld Hades. She was blinded by the glare of his carriage, but she was saved from harassment by queen Persephone by turning her into mint.

    Mint is used as a spice, tea, syrup, volatile oil and it`s even aded to parfumes. There are many species of mint, most well known being peppermint (Mentha piperita) and wild mint (Mentha pulegium). Mint contains a great quantity of menthol witch activates cold receptors, wich is the reason  for the sensetion of chilliness.  It prevents gum disease and bad breath. It is also contained in candy against sore throat as well in gels and creams against swellings. Peppermint oil soothes the pain in the stomach, relieves spasms and enhances weight loss. It has a calming effect and reduces headaches. It prevents infections, colds, strengthens the immune system and alleviates allergies and asthma. If regularly drunk, mint tea will prevent the hairiness on the legs, chest, back and face. Due to its freshness, it fits perfectly with salads, potatoes, chocolate, lamb and berries.


    How to prepare tea from fresh mint?

    Pour 2 dl of hot water over a sprig of fresh mint, add a teaspoon of sugar, honey or other sweeteners, and serve.

