

    Hi everybody. This is going to be our third task about Scratch:

    - Collaborate in a group formed by some Turkish and Spanish students to perform a program.
    DATES (1 week):

    You must do your project by collaborating with the foreign students in the work assigned in the following table. Use all the elements seen in class, and check the quality of your code with Dr. Scratch. To start, you must create a project on the Scratch platform, make it public, create a study and add the project. The other members of the group, instead of creating the study, should only add their project to the study created by the group leader. Once you have the platform to work on, share the URL of your study in eTwinning to find members to add to your project group in the scratch study. Work on the project by reusing code or creating it, adding elements to customize the project with eTwinning. Finally, you must use one of the projects of the study as final work that includes all the improvements decided by the group.


    The URL of the study.
    The URL of the final project.
    The PDF of Dr. Scratch's diploma of your final project with the maximum mark.
    Part of the collaboration with conversations with eTwinning students (chat, forums, goconqr, linoit, etc). All the information (in the practice template for spanish students) and PDF format.
    Summarizing, 2 PDF and 2 URL. Each failure subtracts 1 point from 10. Errors of formats with 0 point mark. Deliveries out of time 5 points maximum.


    Plan your work.

    Use Forums, chats, and Scratch platform to do it.  Join in a group with a maximum of 6 members.

    Code your program.

    Use Scratch plarform and the study there in your project.  Use  Goconqr and Linoit for adicional feedbach if it is necessary.


    Share your work.

    Use Forums to share your final work.  They will be shared in this page ant the end.