About project

  •  Project arrangement (Latvian)

    Description of the project: Aknīste Secondary School (LV) and Juodupe Gymansium (LT) English and IT teachers work together with Grade 6 students on the project about our countries' traditional dishes. 
    The main objectives include sharing opinions, experiences about each country's traditional dishes - what are they, how they are made, what they look like and taste. 
    Students get to know each other, learn to present themselves in front of others, learn vocabulary in English, learn to write recipes in English, tell about their national dishes, as well as develop their ICT skills - make videos, recipes e-book.
    Finally, students, teachers and parents celebrate the project in Gala Event in Aknīste. 

    Duration of the project : Feb-Apr 2017

    ResultsThe project in TwinSpace and external blog. Video recipes, recipe e-book.