Safer Internet Day (SID)

  • Safer Internet Week 2018

    (from 1 to 9 February)


              1-2th  February  (jobs before the video conference)

    1. to prepare the poster or stand ‘Safer  Internet 2018’  , Where you have to write 5 rules.
    2. to make houses and decorate it with internet signs.
    3. to choose the best 3 houses, because your students will show houses and signs them during our video conference)
    4. to watch the video about 5 rules:  You can watch them before the video conference, if you want , but don’t forget then we will watch them during the webinar.



    1. to learn the song ( SID)because we will sing it J. I hope it won‘t to be difficult to learn




    1. Teachers will try to use Kahoot and try to answer the questions.


    The video conference programme.

    ‘The best indoor activities in winter’. It is time to use Internet safety.

    1. To say ‘Hello’
    2. To introduce the houses and  If it is possible to show poster or corner and say 1 rule
    3. To watch the video together
    4. To sing a song
    5. To quiz – Kahoot ( We will use just one teacher’s smart phone. After the quiz, each partner will receive the eSafety Label of the project 'Winter Wonderland' (Gold, Silver Bronze).
    6. To say goodbye J