
  • First videoconference, we introduce ourselves and we sing a song in our own languages¡¡

                                                                                                                                                                        Record from Spain


                                ITALY: greetings- (First video conference)

    Video about the second videoconference, dedicated to traditional dances ( Spain).

    ITALY: traditional dances (second video conference)

    Video about the third videoconference, dedicated to winter´s songs ( Italy & Spain)


    Third videoconference between Bulgaria and Portugal!

    4th videoconference, dedicated to the spring, between the schools from Cyprus and Spain, we have fun¡, and we learn about the culture of our friends¡

    ITALY: fourth video Conference-Spring

    5th videoconference dedicated to winter and Christmas songs, Spain and North Ireland, 20th December 2018

    Winter songs - Videoconference Portugal/Iceland



    We celebrated the 6th and last videoconference of the project, with our friends from Northern Ireland, sharing songs with dances and gestures.( Spain)