Short Story Italy Part II/IV


    Part 2: The Italian part of the short story for the project “TogEUther”

    We went closer to the fire, it was very hot and beautiful, but it wasn’t the only new thing that we saw… we met two young Europaniens too. We didn’t know if they would receive us. We were lucky because one of them, whose named was Billy, was really friendly, but the other one, Jo, was rather quiet and careful.

    We looked at them with anxiety… Would they help us? I looked at Mildly and saw despair in her eyes: “Tom, my dear brother”, she said to me, “You are so pale, you face is full with yellow pimples… Are you OK? You look tired and sleepy and your eyes are red!” I really didn’t feel well… I could hardly speak… I looked at the Europaniens…

     Billy looked at med, too. Then he started preparing something that looked like an infusion. “It’s called Plextritos,” he said, “and I will make it in a cup of jolto, a glass that can be only found underground, so it is pretty rare... So now I put hot water, proxityoh, which is a resin obtained from okctinhio trees, a sacred tree with red, yellow and blue leaves. The resin is used to give a sweetish taste and to flavor the infusion. We also gathered some special herbs in the Kristallìa plain. These herbs contain pixitin, a substance that is able to cure all diseases... Wait a bit, it will help, I promise”.

    As soon as I drank the infusion, I fell asleep for a few minutes and, as I woke up, I felt better immediately. Mildly was crying softly, but I saw that those were the tears of joy. Meanwhile, I heard Jo trying to convince Billy not to trust us because of our “one eye and blue skin”. There it was, exactly what we feared! We looked different and Jo was afraid of us. How can we help him to see us the way we are in our hearts and not the only our looks, I asked myself. Well, there was no time to think…

    We didn’t notice how a huge turtle, that had the ability to blend in like chameleons, had followed us furtively along the way. The gigantic monster came sneaking up and tried to attack Jo, who was standing with his back to the monster and so could not notice the danger.

    Without thinking of the risk, I grabbed a big wood that burned in the fire and I threw it at the terrifying turtle, who, burning, ran away. Jo looked shocked:” Why did you save me?!” “Why wouldn’t I?”, I asked and this time I was the one to be shocked: “Who would I be if I don’t help the one in need, in danger?” Jo looked at quietly and then he said “I was wrong, sorry, I had prejudices about you, please, forgive me! And welcome!” As we hugged each other, it was the first time for so many months that I was happy because we were finally safe.

    I still missed my country though; and I hoped to return to Globania, soon. Of course, it was great with the nice Europaniens, but in this area, I feel a little bit insecure, giant turtles could come back.


    So I went to talk with Jo and Billy, I said: “We are too scared to be here, what if turtles come back, you would be in danger too”. But Jo calmed me by saying: “We know a little town, it’s called Ailicis. There you’ll be welcomed and accepted, turtles won’t never find you and will start a new life, let’s go, or no, it is too far away! So let’s fly over there”


    Suddenly, we saw an animal that could fly quickly! Unbelievable! It was a fantastic animal called rhinfly. It had a blue skin, rainbow-colored wings, two golden horns and green eyes. It was 5 meters long and 3 meters tall. Its wingspan was 4 meters and the wings were in the middle of the back. It had a small tail. The Rhinfly weighed so much and could really fly! Strange animal…

    Written by a 12-year-old.                                                   

    To be continued by France and Spain