• IIS. "F. Alderisio" - Stigliano - Matera - Italy

    a.s. 2016/2017

    At the end of the course on "Computational thinking and coding", students completed small Android app projects using the on-site App Inventor 2 platform at MIT (

    The apps are very simple because the course provided only a quick introduction to AppInventor that will be deeper into the next school year.

    But students also had interesting ideas such as building a web radio selector or a game where you need to hit a mole or use of simpler tools such as pedometer or accelerometer or as a set of different tools In a single app.

    (activities using AppInventor2)

    Students, despite the little time of the course dedicated to AppInventor, have shown great interest and immediate practicality.

    It is also true that they have been conceptually helped by running the courses on the platform but this does not take the enthusiasm and creativity of the task assigned to them.

    (activites using

    Definitely next school year, with different layouts and more solid knowledge you will be able to think about building apps even by "publishing" reliably on Google playstore and maybe monetizing them ... why not?

    Enyoy coding!