Students will summarise the knowledge about solar power, they introduce about the solar power in the country
(Lihuania, Griškabūdis Gymnasium)
Solar energy is converted into part of the mass of Earth by Photosynthetic pigments, so effectively the sun is sending matter that is stored on earth, with photosynthesizing organisms and energy as the intermediaries. In the case of Solar photovoltaic, they generally do not add to the mass of Earth because their energy is merely transmitted and subsequently radiated (as electricity or heat) which is not converted into chemical means to be stored on earth.
School no. 197 Bucharest
Invented vehicles and machines that work with solar energy:
Grade 4th E
Grade 4th E
Grade Preparatory A
Grade Preparatory A
Grade 2nd C
Grade 2nd C
Our creation: School No. 29 Galati, Romania