Christmas cards exchange


    The first task in our project was creating a hand-made Christmas cards with the information about our village/city, Christmas traditions and wishes for the partners expressed in English.

    These are pictures of the Greek students preparing their cards...



    And these are cards prepared by the Polish students:


    When they were all ready we sent them to the partner's school via traditional post.

    Imagine our great joy when they finally reached their destination...

    Then we decided to present the received cards and all the information we gathered

    about the Christmas traditions in the partner's country

    to all the school community...

    Polish students prepared a display on the noticeboard in the main hall of the school..

    While the Greek students decorated their classroom with the received Christmas cards.

    Finally partners exchanged Christmas wishes:

    Greek partners wished us

    '...a happy, creative, full of joy 2017!!! '