Compare our schools, collaborate

  • We thought it could be a great idea to compare the similarities and differences between our schools.


    Find out :

    • How many pupils, teachers and employees are there in your school?
      Veliki Bukovec Primary school:  around 350 students, 45 employees
      In Sainte Anne school, there are 1246 students, 20 employees and 113 teachers.
      Sadi Turgutlu Secondary School:905 students,47 teachers and 6 employess
    • How many rooms are there in your school?
      Veliki Bukovec Primary school: 18 rooms. 

      In Sainte-Anne school there are 31 rooms in secondary school (Collège) of Sainte-Anne and 23 rooms in high school (Lycée). There are a total of 54 rooms. 
      Sadi Turgutlu Secondary School:24 rooms

    • How many groups and activities do you have in your school?

      In Ste-Anne ,we are 20 classes in College and I don't how many classes in Lyceum .

      We have 16 subjects : French , History , Geography , Sports , Mathematics , Technology , Physics , Art , Religion , English , Biology , German , Spanish , Italian , Latin .

    • Veliki Bukovec Primary school: 17 classes; Subjects are: Croatian Language, English Language, German Language, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Art, Music, Technology, Informatics, Religion, Nature & Soiety, History, Geography, Physical education

    • How many tables are there in school restaurant or self service?
      In our self-service, there are 27 tables of 6 persons and 6 high tables in the college's side. There are 9 tables of 6 persons, 4 tables for 4 persons and 6 high tables in the lycee's side.

              Sadi Turgutlu Secondary School has no restaurant in school:(

    • Estimate :  
    • The height of a building, of a tree, of a monument ... in your school. 
    • The pupils density in your play ground (pupils per 1m2).

    Calculate :  

    • The inclination of ramps for disabled people in your school or in your city. 
    • The length and the time taken on your way to school. Then the average length in your class. The average speed...


    Choose one task, show photos and write your reasoning.

    French group at work in the computer's room :


    Sadi Turgutlu Secondary School project group:


    Croatian team working on interactive educational resources