Create handmade copies of Rainbow Fish for all participanting schools

  • Our students should created original handmade copies of a Rainbow Fish for all the participating schools in the project.

    The colours of this Rainbow Fish should be colours of your national flag.

    On the scales there should be written the name of your school, the country and the word FRIENDSHIP in your mothertongue.

    At the back of the fish students can write  a proverb related to friendship from your country translated in English and signed by all of them.

    The size of these handmade fish should be almost as big as an A4 page.

    These Rainbow Fish will be posted by  mail to all the participants.  When we recieve them we can organise a wall display/ poster at our schools representing the bottom of the sea with all the fish swimming.  The title of the poster (written both in English as well as in your mothertongue) will be:

    'We might be different but we all swim in the same sea'