Our Forest

  • Here is our Forest map that was created and voted by the project pupils. We have 3 tasks in this page.


    Let's write texts about our fairies and what they do in their forest! We can add images or short videos.

    Click on this link, edit the image (our forest) and add an interactive note, writing  where his/her fairy lives or anything else each one wants to point on the map. We can describe a short note or story to describe the fairy's life and habits as well as her adventures! Each partner uses a different colour for the dot of the interactive note. Ceuta has black, Patra has blue, Pola de Lena has red, Giurgiu has green and Burdur has yellow.



    On the second map we add descriptions of the forest and the magic areas!!! Let's add names and short texts about these areas and what happens there!!! You need to log in first to add a tag.



     In the following tool, we add the rules that all fairies must follow! Let's see what our Fairy Tales have taught them! Again we use different colours! All partners have been invited to edit the mind map.
