Minutes from Bulgaria

  • Minutes from our  second transnational meeting in Sofia - Bulgaria




    1. AGENDA:
    2. Transnational project meeting

    ‘Learning beyond the classroom walls’




    05-02-2018 to 08-02-2018



    Work programme

    Tuesday 6th February

    Time 9.00

    to  9.15

    Welcome to Bulgaria –greetings in the Renaissance Hotel

    Time 9.15

    to 10.30

    Discussion of  the project so far - what has gone well and what could be improved for the second part of the project – each partner to discuss what they have done in their school and also to discuss if more learning outdoors is taking place. How can we measure the impact?

    Time 10.30  

    to 11.00

    Coffee break

    Time 11.00

    to 12.00

    Go over dates for the rest of the project including training (Lithuania, Belgium and U.K.) and transnational meeting in Belgium. Look at travel options for these

    Outline training planned for other trainings to ensure the right staff are selected to attend

    Time 12.00

    to 1.30


    Time 1.15

    to 3.15

    Short tour of the school – students are on holiday (perhaps 1 hour or we can do this in the training meeting in the next visit if the pupils are not here)

    Time 3.30

    to 4.00

    Go through activities still to do and set it out on a timescale

    Time 4.00

    to 5.00

    Visit to the museum of Sofia




    Wednesday 7th February

    Time 8.45

    to 10.30

    -Look at expectations for the rest of the project including e-twinning

    -Look at planning more chat sessions using Skype or eTwinning and do some tests to improve these kind of tools. Plan interactive activities – pair up?

    Time 10.45  

    to 12.00

    -Discuss dissemination using experience from Lithuania and Belgium so as to know what to expect

    -Ensure everyone is ok and up to date with their mobility tool.


    Time 12.00               

    to 13.00

    Lunch break – near the hotel

    Time 1.15               

    to 3.00

    -Bulgaria, Tenerife and U.K. to discuss pupil mobility and any first thoughts preferences to enable Bulgaria and U.K. to begin to prepare.