We can watch here some of the digital tools we use in our classes:
More Informations in our PhE blog in Blogger:
We will show from these digital tools, Apps and platforms our documents, videos or powerpoint templates that we use in our classes.
We can use plenty of Sport Apps in our classes. Some examples are my personal profiles in these Sport Apps:
All the Apps and profesionals profiles you see below can be linked in some Social Network like TWITTER where our students can follow us easily, example: My Sport Twitter account.
Like examples I leave here my profesional profiles in these digital tools:
I have differents platforms to share documents with our students:
* Google drive:
* Slideshare documents in Word and Power Point Templates:
* Pinterest board
* Prezi presentations
Another great websites to share our Physical activities or show our students how to share their physical activities: Relive
Website: Relive
Examples: One route