
  • Students and Teachers who have participated in this project have been asked to answer to a questionnaire in order to be able to evaluate the whole project. You can see the result of the evaluation on the following link. 

    Questionnaire result

    Conclusions from project evaluation

    The questionnaire has been answer by 40 participant students. Almost everyone believe that the project activities were well planned. 72,5 % believe that the expected results were completely achieved and 22,5 partly achieved. Only two persons believe that they have been insufficiently achieved.

    The most significant difficulty in carrying out the project was the time. 52,5% of the participant believe that there was not enough time to carry out all the activities. Another difficulty mention was the insufficient IT equipment at school.

    Most participant enjoyed their participation in the e-Twinning project "Digital Citizenship".

    Almost half of the participant (45%) have made new friends through this e-Twinning project and most of them have learned about their partners' countries/schools.

    Most of them feel safe when they are online and most of them know about Cyberbullying.

    92,5% of the students believe that that the work on this project provided them with some knowledge and/or skills to be used in their life in the future.

    Students propose rules to follow so that one can be a correct Digital citizen. All these rules have been collected and we have created a document which has been posted in a central place in the school for everyone see it and take it in to consideration.