• The dissemination by the Italian team

    On 4th  MAY 2017 my School and me (Modesta)  presented a workshop called "The teaching Methodology of  eTwinning, ",where the local  ambassador  Mr MARINO, spoke about the platform,the collaborative projects that are carried into that,the professional development opportunities for all members of the community.

    After I told about my experience as a long-standing etwinner to all the teachers of my Institute                                  ( Nursery,Primary,Secondary teachers) and to some external ones.

    Then some students told about our project  " 5Es in 5 E-uropean  Countries", describing all the steps they had made. The  students were  so successful to mention about our project that our Headmistress and the teachers were astonished about their excitement and the simple way they described that. We all got congratulations !! I am proud of them and of working for eTwinning projects!!