
  • Hi! Here are our clouds : )


    The rooster is a stylised vector image based on traditional folk art from the region of Łowicz (pronouncedWhoa, vitch!).

    Today, Poland is divided into sixteen geographical regions which we call voivodships.

    Say that word. Voivodships. Accent on the second syllable, please. Voiiiivodshipsss. Isn't it cool? It really just means 'provinces', but the term comes from wojewoda, or literally 'leader of the warriors'.

    Łowicz, for instance, lies in the Lodz voivodship, and dates back at least as far as the 13th century. The themes of its folklore are among the most recognisable in the country and abroad, and still very much in use in the region, especially during events of importance. For the ultimate ethnographic delight, I recommend you show up in the little town exactly sixty days after Easter Sunday, and watch the Corpus Christi procession.
    So, in brief (very brief) that's the origin of the rooster in the word cloud. He's a stylised, yet distinctively Polish cousin of the koguciki (cockerels) that adorn so many of the colourful paper cut-outs of Łowicz.

    https://tagul.com/nmp4mjk07bkr/word-cloud-1 created by Szymon W

    https://tagul.com/8nuvrdyor8j7/word-cloud-1  created by Michał J. and Mateusz Z.

    https://tagul.com/9vc8nd38t6ji/word-cloud-1 created by Dawid B.

    https://tagul.com/n6e4ypk2mhcx/word-cloud-1 created by Wiktoria G., Hanna S. and Wiktoria W.

