Europass and a movement on the labour market

  • Europass and a movement on the labour market

    While being at school we should start thinking about our job career. It's very important to know how to find a job and how to apply for a job. European Union gives us opportunity to work in other countries but we need to know application documents that are accepted in all European countries. Thanks to workshops about Europass our students got to know what documents are included into Europass documents. They also prepared their first CVs and Europass language passport.

    However, we need more that prepared application documents. During workshops our students practice successful communication, self presentation and discussed the right behaviour during job interviews.


    1) Europass - genreal information meeting

    2) Job interview - questions, behaviour etc

    3) Succesful communication and self presentation

    4) CVs and Europass Language Passport

    5) meeting with an employer and visiting a company