2. Our Logo Project

  • I propose my Logo

    Each school have to create a logo related to the theme of the project. Then each logo named with the name of Country  have to be uploaded in the folder “LOGO” on twinspace.

    You can use http://logomakr.com, http://logogarden.com, http://squarespace.com, http://onlinelogomaker.com, http://logaster.com, http://mylogofree.com or others tools ....

    For this activity you have 15 days from 1st to 15th November.  From 16th to 30th you can vote!

    Vote your favorite logo!!!

    All students after look at the pictures can vote favorite logo here:



    I uploaded the photo of all the logos here. 

    clicking on the name of Country logo. Each student can vote just once. The logo with more vote will be the project’s logo.

    The time to vote for our logo project is finished. All of you have done a good job, all logos were fantastic, creatives and focused. but one of them has took more votes, like you can see by picture. So, we will have the logo created by students of Wisla, Poland.



     ITC "L. Palma" - Corigliano Calabro - Italy