1. Introduce yourself and your school.



    Icebreaking activity

    First you have introduce yourself , you can talk about you, your hobbies, what you like and dislike. You have to use VoiceThread, you find it below in this page.                                                                                                                      Second, in the section “Materials” there is a folder of your Country where you can upload pictures about you and your daily life, …..


    Third, for introducing your school you can use software as Word, PowerPoint, video, etc….. then you have to upload it in a folder  in section “Materials”.

    For this activity you have 15 days from 15th to 31st October.


    Here is a short description of our school from Romania and a picture of my students.




    Smila Lyceum, Ukraine

    "Toma N. Socolescu" Technical College welcomes you, dear partners!

     We could not use VoiceThread , so we recorded our introduction and prepared in Moviemaker 

    Vocational Centre of Pärnu County -our School


    ITC "L. Palma" - Corigliano Calabro - Italy


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