Welcome to the EMOSZ
The Eduard-Maurer-Oberstufenzentrum (EMOSZ) is located only a few kilometres north of the German capital Berlin, in the Federal Land of Brandenburg. It annually welcomes about 1,400 students aged from 16 to 24 years but also even senior offering them vocational and educational training. Basically, the EMOSZ comprises three departments:
Department 1- offering secondary general education to take the A-levels, qualifying certified assistants for graphic design and enabling students to attain advanced technical college entrance qualification;
Department 2, which trains apprentices in the trades of metal and electrical engineering, vehicle and general mechatronics but also qualifies professional drivers either in public transport or logistics; furthermore, this department offers qualification to future certified engineers for mechanical engineering or mechatronics in part and full time;
Department 3, which qualifies trainees in civil engineering and surveying technology; it is also responsible for vocational preparation of students not having passed their exams at general secondary school.
The EMOSZ will participate in the Erasmus+ project in order to stick to the college´s goals planned to reach, such as:
- the development of language and practical skills,
- the contribution to the students´ professional success,
- .the development of soft skills, i.e. work organization and teamwork, self-discipline and flexibility, students´ fulfilment and responsibility etc.,
- the teaching of fair economy and sustainable development,
- the enhancement of students´ travels in order to aquire new professional skills, improve soft skills and learn to know other cultures as well as languages to create European identity.