Our superhero! (2017/2018)

  • Climate! Comic! Contest! is a campaign created by UNICEF in order to all of us identify connections between climate change and our daily lives.

    We are going to do a brainstorming to:

    1. 03th to 09th - Identify a climate change problem that needs to be solved.
    2. 10th to 12th - Choose one superpower to improve the problem.
    3. 13th to 17th - Create a simple storyline. Draw a simple draft.
    4. 18th to 20th - Choose her/his/its name.


    This is our superhero!

    Its name is Pulvi

    Earth. A planet with different species of animals, plants and, sadly, humans. Water, air, fire and earth are the most important elements, but none of them are safe from the pollution produced by humans begins. Animals, plants and the elements are scared, they are fighting for their survival but nothing it's sufficient to defeat the Pollution...

    Luckily, there's one shy hero at the rescue: Pulvi! This "vacuum being" is tired of all this chaos that has begin created since those humans has done steps forward in the industry. It acts during the night, when everyone's asleep, that's why anyone knows him.

    It doesn't have friends, because of its long "proboscis". If it just had a little bit more self esteem and concern about what it does, then maybe it could have a least one friend... But, why they would judge it externally? Do they know what it does? Everyone's greatfull to Pulvi, even though they don't know him... But one day, everything will change! 

    Vacuum's superpower is to, obviously, inspire pollution and then transforms them into a nice scent. It can filter the water of the oceans and it can help the animals. It finds normal people like us, who want to help, and it transforms them into his antipollution team, addressing them to do the right thing in their everyday life and to make a difference. 



    Now, we'll create a radio program for Radio Babel explaining the result of this collaborative task.