
  • Pek, the Traveller Flea, is an eTwinning project (which is part of Erasmus+, the EU program for school learning).

    The final results of the former editions were four comic books made among several European schools, published in all their languages, in PDF, web and paper. Other results were: a set of merchandising objects, video-comic, video-tutorials, etc.

    Pek in Babel is the sixth edition (and 2017/2018 is the 9th year of team working). We work with the six languages of the partners, in addition to English. Pupils will design activities to teach and to learn our languages.


    In this edition teachers and students are from:

     ☼ IES San Clemente, Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain)

     ☼ Agrupamento de Escolas D.Maria II, Cacém (Sintra, Portugal)

     ☼ Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes (France)

     ☼ Střední škola průmyslová a umělecká, Hodonín (Czech Republic)

     ☼ Liceo Classico "S. G. Calasanzio", Carcare (Italy)

     ☼ 1st Vocational Lyceum of Ierápetra (Crete, Greece).

    One of our school partners, which won the European Prize with Pek#3, had to leave the Pek project because of its headmaster forbids to take part in any eTwinning project:

     ☼ IES Rey Don García, Nájera (La Rioja, Spain)


    The project's main aims are:

     → To communicate between partners in English (Acquire confidence in their English competence).

     → To create a short comic story in mixed teams. (Work in a collaborative way through transnational teams, learn to create stories in a collaborative way and how to convert them into comics).

     → To discover and to learn our partners' languages. (Work in a collaborative way through transnational teams, learn to create activities for language learning).

     → To use the languages of the partners and English language to record some sentences. (Radio Babel).

     → To create videos coordinating fixed images and recordings. (Improve the use of new information and communication technologies).

     → To learn about software tools such as: web browser, forum, wiki, blog; text, image, audio and video editors, etc. (Improve the use of new information and communication technologies).

     → Discover the different cultures of Europe. (To become more tolerant).

    Work process:

    ♦ Pupils have to create seven teams of mixed nationalities.

    ♦ Each team is in charge to teach one of the seven languages: Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Czech and Greek. They have to create activities to teach the others the chosen language.

    ♦ Every team creates one or two strips of the comic story about Pek in Babel. Each character speaks in a different language and all of they understand. There will be no translations.

    ♦ All the pupils collaborate in Radio Babel by uploading recordings and songs in different languages.

    ♦ Finally, some of the activities will be collected in an App.


    ITC tools:

     ♫ Web browser.

     ♫ Twinspace tools.

     ♫ Text editor: Google Docs.

     ♫ Image edition software: The Gimp.

     ♫ Audio edition software: Audacity.

     ♫ Video: Camtasia.

     ♫ Scan software.


    More information:




    Previous editions:

    Pek #1:

    ► Twinspace

    ► Project Diary

    ► Pek #1 PDF File

    Pek#1 ISSUU


    Pek #2:


    Project Diary

    Pek #2 PDF File

    Pek#2 ppt

    Pek#2 ISSUU


    Pek #3:


    Project Diary

    Pek #2 PDF File

    ► Pek#3 ISSUU


    Pek S&V:


    Project Diary

    eMagazine PekS&V

    YouTube Playlists

    Pek#3 2nd edition


     Website about all those previous series:

    Project Pek at Wordpress (by Preslav Dishev)


    Pek #4:


    Project Diary

    eMagazine Pek#4

    YouTube Playlists

    Pek #4 PDF File

    Pek#4 ISSUU