Portuguese approach to the theme: 

    End-of-Shelf Products: How to avoid waste?

    "The PCA group, from Portugal, made a field trip today, on 04/13/2018, to visit the Pingo Doce and Continente commercial areas, aiming to know the strategies of these companies regarding the end-of-term product management. This activity is part of the ERASMUS + / CLAP Project.

    The students were able to listen to the explanations of store managers and / or section, having learned that:

    a) At Pingo Doce, when the products are near the end of their validity, the company's central office is asked to lower prices. If there is no answer, the store has the autonomy to take some breaks, allowing the sale in the modality "two for the price of one". The day before the end of the validity of the products, the store makes its separation for donation to the IPSS, such as nursing homes or the Bank Feeds Against Hunger:

    The students also learned that the validity attributed by the producers is made by default, that is, the product actually lasts longer than the one on the packaging.

    b) In the store "Continente", at the level of fresh products, the price of the products can be depreciated up to 50% at the end of validity, being in this case sold until the last day in the store, eventually being almost all sold. The company (SONAE) also authorizes the routing of the products in order of vanity for consumption in the employees' cafeteria. In the case of dried products, these are separated 3 or 4 days before the expiration date, being donated to the Santa Casa da Misericórdia.