Jobs Infographics

  • In March, students in multinational teams start with the design of  an infographics for specific jobs chosen at their choice.


    1. Choose a job or pofession within your multinational team (use whatever APP you find useful to vote, or discuss it in the forum).

    2. Decide which tool is best for your design.

    Verónica Gómez, 1st year Admins&Finances at IES L'OM, shows us how to use EASEL.LY

    3. Distribute the tasks amongst members of the group.

    4. Share the document so all of you can work simultaneously.

    5. Questions to deal with:

    - Functions involved in the job

    - Skills required

    - Perfect personal profile.

    - Images which best describe the job.

    - Which is the academic path for the job.

    - Interview a professional working in this job.

    - Usual salary for this job in each country and employment rate in the sector per country.

    Use this chart to organise your multinational team.

    Task to do Who
    Designing the infographics     
    Distributing contents  
    Looking for images and inserting them  
    Preparing a job-shadowing interview  
    Reserching the career path in each country  
    Researching salaries and employment rate in each sector  
    Making the interview and sharing answers  


    Please, take photographs of the process, record short videos while working. We are preparing a "Behind the scenes" section.