Kindergarten No 6 in Tychy, Poland

  • Kindergarten No 6 is the biggest kindergarten in our city called Tychy.
    Tychy is situated on the south of Poland in the region called Silesia.

    Here we are:

    Here is the current forecast in our city Tychy :)

    Our kindergarten is the biggest one in the city It consists of 11 groups, each of them counts 25 children.
    This is our emblem:
    Here we are - the children from the group called "Pszczółki" (eng. 'Bees").
    We are all 6 years old, we like playing and learning together :)

    And here's our best friend - smurf, which is going to be sent to visit partner kindergartens soon.
    We love playing with him and we are enjoying every moment with him as long as he stays with us :)
    We are Polish and we live in beautiful country Poland.
    Here is the Polish flag and national emblem - The White Eagle.