About the project

  • The project bases on well known worldwide cartoon ‘The Smurfs’. The main goal of the project is to develop social abilities by encouraging the children to get to know each other and become friends. Children will learn how to collaborate like Smurfs in their village. There are many activities planned, like cooking, visiting interesting places, celebrating fests, making crafts, writing stories. Children from Poland, Portugal and Lithuania will make these activities at the same time. Then the effects will be displayed on TwinSpace as reports, photo shots and videos. There is also a puppet of Smurf the Traveler involved in the project. He will travel between cooperating kindergartens, encouraging children to various activities. The final output of our work will be an e-book, summarizing all the activities.

    Project Plan
    September/October: Presentation of school and children’s group of all partners
    November/December: Travelling Smurf
    January/February: Carnival
    March/April: Easter
    May/June: E-book
    Diary’s Smurf
    All the partners could make activities in: maths, sciences, songs, rhymes, stories, dences, collages, paintings, drawings, traditions recipes, ...

    Book titled ''Smurfs, the travellers'- eTwinning project'Read this free book made on StoryJumpervar pr=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https:" : "http:");if (typeof SJScriptLoaded === "undefined") {window.SJScriptLoaded = true;var s = document.createElement("script");s.src = pr+"//www.storyjumper.com/script/storyjumper-embed.js";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s);function r(f){/in/.test(document.readyState)? setTimeout("r("+f+")",9) : f()}r(function() { SJMakeBookOpenLightBox(); });}