Voting Results (Best Poster & Logo)

  • We are very excited to announce the results of the voting for the best logo and poster that will represent our project. 

    The voting process started on Thursday, 05.05.2022 and lasted until Saturday, 07.05.2022. As presented on the previous Page, we created two different polls, one containing the posters and the other the logos, all made by the students of the 10 participant countries. As it was decided by all teacher members, the voting took place in two ways. The one way was to share the poll link to the students asking them to vote in their own time, individually. The second way was to do it in class with all students present. Having accepted the two alternative voting ways, we are in position to announce the results. Before that we want to congratulate all our students for their interest and active participation in the project. 

    Now, time to reveal the WINNERS!


    Regarding to the logo poll, the data shows that there were 672 votes (!!!) which  declared the winner the following logo. 70% of the voters (470 in number) voted for this logo. Congratulations!!!! 


    Regarding to the poster poll, the data shows that there were 116 votes which  declared the winner the following poster. The poster that collected the most votes (20% of the voters, 23 in number) voted for this poster. Congratulations!!!!